Explore Sports Clubs at UIC

Sports clubs are one of many types of student-led programs at UIC. Whether you are an experienced athlete or looking to have fun, UIC’s sports clubs offer opportunities to get involved in the community. John Manning, Assistant Director of Programs, says that some notable benefits of joining a sports club are an opportunity to be active, build relationships, and interact with a community of individuals with similar interests.
Trying out a new sport can be daunting, but taking the first step is key. UIC’s sports clubs range from casual to competitive and often compete in games and tournaments with other schools nationwide, so there is something for everyone. John suggests trying out the intramural program to get started. It offers free leagues and tournaments and does not require previous experience.
If you are interested in joining a club but are tight on time, John encourages you to contact the sports clubs to learn more about membership and how to work it into your schedule. Alternatively, you can start your own sports club if it doesn’t exist. Reach out to John for more information.
The following are highlights of three UIC sports clubs.
CHAARG (Changing Health, Attitudes, + Actions To Recreate Girls) is a recreational workout club to “liberate girls from the elliptical.” Club President Sydney Reyes mentions it being a safe space for working out with friends and that working out could and should be fun. This semester, CHAARG offers dance, pilates, meditation, and more. Meeting every Wednesday, CHAARG offers diverse workouts with opportunities to work with studios around Chicago. One can also participate in socials and “small group” activities to bond outside the weekly workouts. Sydney’s favorite part of CHAARG is fostering strong friendships during uplifting social events. Volunteering for the Chicago Marathon is one of the external CHAARG events that “makes being with everyone else and waking up before the sun so much fun.” Join via the CHAARG website.
Archery Club
The Archery Club offers a safe space for members to collaborate and participate in the “art of archery.” Aman Siddiqui, Club President, says the club provides one-on-one training, group lessons, equipment, and safety instructions. The club also assists with purchasing a personal bow and is a gateway to doing competitive archery. Aman says, “competitive archers receive more consistent training, while recreational archers can participate less frequently and focus on critique.” Depending on what a student chooses, expectations would be different. The Archery Club is currently preparing for the indoor season and organizing an internal tournament for members. Aman's most memorable activities include placing in the Top 5 in the Michigan nationals and collaborating with other clubs. One memorable activity was inviting the engineering club to create a mobile target for participants to shoot at. To join the Archery Club, contact Aman.
Women’s Rugby
Women’s Rugby Club has always been driven by its mantra, “every body is a rugby body,” says Club President Piper Howard. The club plays during both semesters in the academic year and is open to anyone. The Fall semester is when the club plays against teams across Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan to advance to the postseason. In the Spring, they play in tournaments across the US without any stakes. Their plan this fall includes playing against other teams like UChicago and Northwestern and traveling to Wisconsin for the Great Waters Conference playoffs. Piper mentions having cool opportunities to participate in National Collegiate Rugby events like their “Friday Night Rugby” series last year and being the only women’s game featured.
To join Women’s Rugby, stop by a practice session, connect via or via Instagram, or email Piper.
To get involved in these clubs and others, visit the club website and contact the club’s officers. Want to know more? Follow @UIClife and watch for upcoming blog posts that showcase diverse sports teams that give students a dynamic and diverse recreational experience.