How CDS Students Spent Their Summer Break

So long, summer! As we transition into a new semester, it may feel weird to say goodbye to the warm weather and summer routines. Everyone’s summer experience is different, but the practice of reflecting and remembering fond memories is a great way to approach the changing seasons and open the door for new opportunities. Check out highlights from our UIC Creative and Digital Services (CDS) students’ summer vacations in this recap!
Noor - Marketing, Class of 2023 (Dec)
Student Marketing Assistant
Over the summer, Noor interned with CDW, a leading global provider of IT solutions and services. She was a Capture Intern within the State & Local Government segment, supporting a team that provides government agencies with the technology they need to succeed. She gained a fresh perspective on marketing and contracts, leaving her with experiences and knowledge that she will carry throughout her career.
Aside from work, Noor visited Washington D.C. She immersed herself in the rich culture of the city and tried new foods, coffee, and experiences. Noor ended her summer by relaxing at some of the most peaceful beaches in New Jersey.
As she gets back into the school year, Noor is excited to finish her last semester here at UIC on a good note by focusing on her academics, spending time with friends, and exploring the city.
Grace - Industrial Design, Class of 2024
Student Graphic Designer
Grace spent her summer balancing her work life and personal life. When she wasn't busy designing at work, she visited her family and friends in Ohio and Wisconsin. During her time in Ohio, Grace rode on a roller coaster for the first time. Shout-out to Cedar Point Amusement Park!
The most memorable part of Grace’s summer was attending the North America College Training. With over 2800 other college students attending from around the globe, Grace describes it as a “unique and unforgettable” experience.
This upcoming semester, Grace is looking forward to soaking up as much as she can from her classes. She is thankful for the awesome professors here at UIC that will always go the extra mile to explain concepts and answer any questions. She is excited to make more memories and meet new people.
Leia - Computer Science, Class of 2024
Student Web Developer
Leia spent her summer as a full-time Software Engineering intern in Chicago as she continued to work part-time at CDS. During her free time, Leia spent time with her family, played new video games, went on weekend road trips, watched many movies, and learned a new crafting skill — making cool T-shirt designs with her Cricut machine.
The most memorable parts of Leia’s summer were the weekend road trips with her boyfriend. While on these trips, Leia saw family and friends who lived further away from her. She says it was "nice being able to spend time with them after so long."
Leia looks forward to finishing her senior year strong, as this Fall semester is the beginning of her last year of studies at UIC. Leia states that her classes are challenging, but her professors seem awesome, making her look forward to attending each class.
Gizelle - Marketing, Class of 2025
Student Marketing Assistant
Bonding with loved ones was Gizelle’s most significant summer experience. Weekly activities and hikes with family friends are a summer tradition for her. Catching up with childhood friends while basking in the sun and trekking through scenic forests always creates fun memories.
Virginia was the most memorable place she traveled to. Gizelle spent more than 10 hours waiting in the airport due to a canceled flight. She ultimately ended up missing the concert to see her favorite composer, Joe Hisaishi. Despite the bumps in this trip, her family and significant other helped make the most of her time in Virginia. She says, “All of the little moments created with loved ones overfill me with joy and gratitude. This reminded me to remain determined and resilient to overcome adversities!”
Aside from relaxing on her days off, she started learning creative tools such as Adobe Illustrator. Gizelle is thrilled to continue to learn new skills and have experiences this semester.
Christina - Marketing, Class of 2025
Student Marketing Assistant
Christina spent her summer back home in Singapore, dedicating most of her time to exercising her creativity through various projects like sewing and crocheting. Being home also meant catching up with her friends and doing different activities.
One highlight from her summer was running a pop-up booth with her friends, where they sold art and wearables. Christina periodically worked on this creative endeavor, and revisiting it during the summer was a delightful experience and allowed her to see what was different in the scene. The pop-up experience allowed her to connect with the community and apply her marketing skills; doing it with friends was a bonus.
Returning to school meant returning to the academic routine, exploring more of Chicago, and making new friends. Christina looks forward to filling this semester with more memories.
Rohan - Marketing, Class of 2025
Student Photographer
This summer, Rohan interned at RR Donnelley (RRD), working as the trade show marketing intern. He had a great experience throughout his internship at RRD, learning new skills and getting great insight on the ins-and-outs of marketing in a B2B space. He says, “I’ll remember the challenges I had to overcome at my internship and the connections I was able to make from it.”
This semester, Rohan is looking forward to being a junior and getting to be more active on campus with the clubs and student organizations that he is a part of.
As we get back into the school year, don't forget to take a second to reminisce on your summer. Get back into it and make it a good semester, Flames!