Staying Healthy: Tips to Managing Stress During Finals Week

As the semester comes to an end, stressing about finals and other projects is almost inevitable. Deadlines keep approaching faster and faster and it seems like time is just running out during finals week. Although stress is hard to avoid at the end of the semester, there are plenty of ways to not over stress. Don’t let stress consume you, instead keep an open mind and work hard until the end of the semester.
Here are some tips and tricks on how to manage stress and all of the approaching deadlines:
1. Time management
Being on top of your schedule during finals week is crucial to not missing deadlines and rushing to finish assignments. Keeping a planner, whether it's physical or digital, is always a great way to sort out your schedule. For example, use a regular daily planner to write down all of your homework, projects, and exams. The calendar app in your phone can help keep track of events and specific times for deadlines.
2. Take a break (20/20/20 rule)
Looking at your laptop screen for most of the day can cause eye fatigue. Blue light glasses are becoming very popular in helping with eye fatigue and combat the bad effects that blue light has on the eyes. Use the 20/20/20 Rule. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds at approximately 20 feet away. Not only is this a break for you, but it helps the eyes to rest and not get strained.
Also, similar to how our class schedule works, take a 10-minute break to walk around or stretch after each hour. Not only, is this schedule something that we are used to, but it helps us to take a break from sitting in a chair for long periods of time.
3. Eat right, sleep right
Finals week usually calls for many sleepless nights and even sometimes studying on an empty stomach, BUT just because you're studying for endless hours doesn't mean that you can neglect your overall health. Remember to take time to eat at regular meal times, get at least 6-7 hours of sleep, and drink water. Staying hydrated especially while staying seated for a long time is very important. People are like plants, you have to drink water in order to continue functioning and in this case, to stay focused and continue studying.
4. Stay social
Many think that in order to cram for finals you need to shut out the “real world” and not communicate with anyone. However, this method will only add to the stress. Studying with friends in the same class over Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Facetime are great ways to help with stress and your friends might be able to explain things that are hard to remember or understand.
5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
The final month of school and finals week can take a toll on many students, but you should never be afraid to reach out for help from professors, TAs, friends, resources like the tutoring centers and support centers such as the Wellness Center. Do not hesitate to ask for help when needed!
Tips from the Wellness Center
Studying at home where there are distractions can be hard, so don't hesitate to voice your situation with the people you live with. As the Wellness Center says, “Share your world with those around you.” Voicing your thoughts can lessen the stress of being in a distracting environment.
1. Share your class syllabus
Show them the quantity and depth of work required for each class and professor expectations. Share with them how much you need to study for each class in order to be ready for each final exam. This will bring alive what you are doing and explain the urgency of your study “needs.”
2. As always, make an organized schedule!
After speaking with those you live with, make a schedule where you can be active in both your studies and any other tasks that need to be done around the place you reside in.
3. Set parameters
Talk about what you need in order to be successful with your online classes and studying. Be really clear about what those needs are: quiet environment, fewer interruptions, extended study time, study space, access to the computer, etc.
For more tips on self-care and stress management, visit the Wellness Center website:
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Work hard, but remember to take care of yourself and take a break when needed. Good luck!