Top 5 Study Spots at UIC

When it comes to studying, location is everything. Good study environments keep me grounded and help me stay focused. This year, I’ve decided to test and try out different study spots found around the UIC campus, because I am determined to keep my grades up.
If you are interested in finding study spots that will accommodate your needs, join me! I will take you through my five favorite places to study here on campus.
ARC (Academic and Residential Complex)- The ARC is a go-to spot for me, because of its sleek and modern architecture. Its environment helps me stay fresh and open-minded. There are several spots to study within the building. The second floor has comfortable seating inside and outside. Students are also able to study in lecture halls that are open for use when classes are not in session.
IDEA (Information Data Expertise Access) Commons- The IDEA Commons is a special study location, located at the south end of the first floor of the Richard J. Daley library. This location was designed to help students use technology and library research materials to complete academic work. This area is great for group studies, tutoring, and intense team building.
Note: Check the schedule posted at the room's entrance before entering. Reservation inquiries should be directed to the Reference Librarians.
1st Floor Circle Lounge (SCE Tower)- If you are looking for an unoccupied spot then the 1st Floor Circle Lounge located in Student Center East is for you. It is a great, lowkey, and quiet spot where you can find inner peace whilst studying.
Newman Center- The Newman Center, located right across the street from the Daley Library, is a place that offers different social, service, and spiritual formation opportunities throughout the year for UIC students. Students with all different faith backgrounds and worldviews can use the space to study and take breaks and play ping pong, eat food, drink coffee or tea at their in-house coffee bar. I love using this place to study in the mornings. It's a great way to start the day.
Third Floor, Daley Library- When it becomes crunch time and I really need to lock in on an assignment, paper, or study for an exam, you’ll find me on the third floor of the UIC Library, because this is the silent floor. Here is where you will find other students that need to get work done or who enjoy the peace and quiet.
Check out our latest UIClife TikTok to see the study spots mentioned above, and don't forget to follow us!