Back to the Past: The UIC We Know Today

In 2000, the development of the University of Illinois at Chicago's south campus began and opened up a variety of opportunities for students at UIC. The James Stukel Towers (JST) opened in 2007 which allowed more students to gain access to additional on-campus housing. Today, the UIC south campus houses the JST, Marie Robinson Hall (MRH), Thomas Beckham Hall (TBH), Isadore and Sadie Dorin Forum, as well as the University Village Maxwell Street, which is a retail and UIC department complex.
During the summer of 2019, new additions were added to the ever-expanding campus. The 57,500-square-foot Engineering Innovation Building opened which offers engineering students an opportunity to research and investigate phenomena on a scale from the very large—bridge and highway components—to the exceedingly small. With the rapid growth in the engineering industry, UIC strives to provide the best education and needs for their students to flourish later on.
In 2019, the Academic and Residential Complex (ARC) was introduced. This new living-learning community houses over 500 students in its 10-story residence hall and provides 54,000 square-feet of academic space, which includes three large lecture halls, four classrooms, several small group study rooms, a tutoring center, computer stations and collaboration spaces.
With continuous expansion, development, and improvement happening all the time, UIC has become known as a quality research institution for higher education, and will continue to lead the way for student success for years to come.
To learn more about the history, student life, and architecture of UIC through the years, visit the university library’s online exhibit at, or watch the “UIC From Pier to Present” video.